Friday, May 11, 2007

Completed Building Visit #2

Here I have visited and photographed the interior of the Malop St Officeworks in Geelong. As you can observe it is a warehouse type structure utilizing lightweight steel trusses to span extended lengths.

Here one can observe the basic flat truss shape (Warren configuration) that is used throughout the structure.

This is a more detailed shot of the apex of the roof. We can witness addition bracing, albiet minor, about the web connections.

General overview of some of the services in the building. Airconditioning services appear to be covered in a brand of insulation. Light is suspended from lightweight steel members in the roofing structure.

This is a good shot representing the diagonal cross-bracing between some of the truss systems. Such bracing would help counter torsional stresses.

Detail of the connection between the truss and square hollow section column. Basic steel L-plate with bolting has been utilized.

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